Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boot Linux Grub Boot Loader into single user mode

(1) At grub boot screen (after restart)

(2) Select the kernel

(3) Press the e key to edit the entry

(4) Select second line (the line starting with the word kernel)

(5) Press the e key to edit kernel entry so that you can append single user mode

(6) Append the letter S (or word Single) to the end of the (kernel) line

(7) Press ENTER key

(8) Now press the b key to boot the Linux kernel into single user mode

(9) When prompted give root password and you be allowed to login into single user mode.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dump just the table structure to a file in MySQL

When you need to back up the table structure from the MySQL database


# mysqldump -d -h localhost -u root -pmypassword databasename > dumpfile.sql

The only option that is different than creating an entire backup is the -d switch, which tells mysqldump not to output the data.


mysqldump -d -h localhost -u root -p2Uad7as9 database01 > dumpfile.sql